Thursday, May 31, 2012

Oil-Cleansing Method {OCM}

Have you heard of this?

I just found a pin on pinterest for a homemade Oil-cleanser... made from oil.
I thought this was a little weird, and I had a hard time believing it would actually work.
But, after spending some time reading a few different articles, it seems like using oil to get read of oil on your face is really the best method. Since, we all know that water and oil don't mix.

Anyways, Alex has been having a bit of an acne problem (sorry babe, I totally outed you!), which we are trying to figure out how to get rid of. It is kind of random because he has never really had acne until about a month ago, at least not since I've known him.


I think we are going to try this, with flaxseed and extra virgin olive oil, because those are the kinds of oils I have on hand. Read all about it over at the Simple Mom blog.

Tell me what you think! Have any of you tried this method before?

PS. Sorry, the content on the blog is a little lackluster lately. I'll have time to actually write a proper post soon!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Something crazy happened

Ok... Maybe it isn't that crazy. I just chopped my hair off.

There are lots of people that have the same hair style for years and years. Every time they go to the hair dresser they do the same exact thing...

I am not that kind of person.

One year it's long, the next year it's short. One year it's dark, the next year it's light{er}.

I probably bug the heck out of my hair dresser, because every time I come in I'm not really sure what I want to do, and then I am really indecisive about any drastic changes. And it is pretty much never the same thing twice.

Sorry Missy! {my hair dresser}

I want to be able to go in and get the same cut every time, I have just never really found the style that fits me perfectly.

But I really really like this one.


Actually a few hair cuts ago. My hair was a few inches shorter than this and a bit lighter.


Sweater: TJ Maxx//Shirt (dress): Nordstroms

(BTW, totally did not plan to wear the same sweater in both of these pictures.)
This was a pretty spur of the moment decision this time. I literally went in with no intention of doing anything different.

The next thing I know all my hair is on the floor of the salon.

I blame it all on my blog friend Greta who just did a pixie cut, and got me considering what a pixie cut might look like on me.

Maybe some day? For now I am happy with my A-line.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Photography project

So I'm working on a project for my photography class and I was hoping for some input from others out there. Also, I can cheat and work on this blog post while still technically doing homework! :)

We have to do a presentation and have a collection of photos that represent a specific theme, but each photo needs to speak for itself.
I've decided my theme is going to be life in its simplicity. I'm using black and whites as a technique to help emphasize the simplicity part.

Paying bills

doing homework



What do you think? Good idea, or boring idea? These are just a few quick shots I took. I'm going to take more to play around with the idea some.

Any suggestions are much appreciated!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Weekend camping trip

This weekend Alex and I went camping with some of our amazing friends Sara and Collin. It was such a fun relaxing weekend.

At least up until 3am Sunday morning when I woke up feeling horrible. During a long walk to the bathroom I threw up in our neighbors yards... not fun! Unfortunately we had to come home a day early. Now, after several hours of not working on homework and hardly being able to keep my eyes open, I finally feel a bit better.

Lots of traffic on the way up. Shocker, huh?

On saturday we spent the afternoon oystering... is that what you call it? Clamming? Well whatever it was, we did it.

And I have to confess to you guys something...
Feel free to call it a phobia. I don't care.
This may seem a little strange, but I think they are the most disgusting thing ever and they literally make me want to vomit. Honestly, just thinking about them makes me sick to my stomach. So I basically had a heart attack when we went to meet our friends for our clamming/oystering adventure and I found my self COMPLETELY surrounded by barnacles.

Maybe why I ended up throwing up later that evening? Probably from my torturous barnacle dreams? Probably.

How could anyone not find these things absolutely repulsive?? 
I will never understand.

Well... now that I have made myself sick by looking at this picture. I've gotta go.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Birthday Candids {picture heavy post!}

The Saturday of Mother's Day weekend was my nephew's birthday. I brought my camera to the party because I needed some pictures for my photography class, but my sister asked me to take some of the whole party. I had fun playing "photographer" for the day.

Something I learned? Kids are so hard to take pictures of!! Most of my pictures are blurry because they move so stinking fast that I could never get a perfect picture.

Well, let me know what you think! This is my absolute first time taking pictures for any sort of special occasion so I'm totally open to feedback on things I can do to improve.

Monday, May 21, 2012

"For Better, Or Much Worse"

A couple weeks ago for my English class I had to write an imaginative essay, which was basically just a poem. I enjoyed the way it turned out so I thought I would share it with you guys. Don't worry the story told is completely fictitious, I came up with it as I was writing. Hope you enjoy it! The style of poem is based off of Robert Brownings "The Duchess".

“For Better, or Much Worse”
1 “All in good nature”, she will have you believe
“For fun, for love, for laughter. And you never shall leave
Me behind.” The words she will whisper sweet
In your ear. The liaison between those words and your ears, meet
5 And leave you dead to your fears. For tomorrow shall
Be the beginning of starts. Love is everything, is all
That you dream. She is quite beautiful, I shall give you that.
Some times beauty can fool you. If that love hasn’t sat
For years and months. For sit and wait
10 It shall answer your true fears. For the long late
Sitting will certainly test. Your patients I promise
Shall pay ten fold. When the colors of your goddess
Unravel before your eyes. I have no motivation
For these words I say. Never to ruin your special occasion,
15 Would I dream. Please ignore the harshness of tone,
I also believe that true love should last. With this young lady, I own
Up to my doubts. For, “love is patient”, 
they always do say. So settle not on a life complacent,
Which is far less than you deserve. A man of your word
20 I can tell from here. A man of great valor, I have heard.
They tell me your name. It means “a calm gentle spirit 
with strength like no other”. A merit
Earning name. A prized possession you truly are
I can see. For simply living up to your bar
25 You have always done. And living beyond that has
Never once been in question. Whereas
Her character I question daily. Cold to the bone
And evil demeanor. Honestly she alone
Has been known to be angry and hurtful. Everyday for fun,
30 Is what I say. Quips at all expense
But her own. This letter has been days since
I started. To finish is not easy, quite 
Opposite really. Now I begin my fright
Please forgive me. For this letter shall find you
35 completely lost and alone. For I too
Am not there to comfort your wounds. I’m sorry my love
To leave you this way. I’m not what you’ve pictured, above
Your beliefs. You’ve thought I was perfect
With never a fault. I’m telling you now that you need to reflect
40 For maybe the actions you have seen have not been my own.
They have been yours. Yours alone,
And I am not deserving. For, quite simply, I’m beneath your honor.

By the way, I am MAJORLY stressing out about school right now!! I have three more assignments and 5 tests to do by the end of the night! Only one of which can be turned in late, luckily the hardest of all the assignments. The three assignments are not from procrastinating, those were all assigned for today. Four of the 5 tests are due entirely to my procrastination. So don't feel too sorry for me.

My current classes are honestly the heaviest work load I have ever had in my entire school career. Yuck. I suppose it is supposed to get harder as it goes, but I am barely finishing my associates, I thought I wasn't going to have this much work until next year.

Oh well. Only 2/3 more weeks and then I'm done for a solid three months! Never looked forward to my freedom this much before!

Sunday, May 20, 2012