Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I was tagged!

I'm so honored that I was tagged along with some other amazing ladies over at Covered In Grace!! I almost missed this tag because when Brooke emailed me it ended up in a spam folder that actually doesn't get sent to the mail program that I have. So hopefully there aren't any other emails out there that I have never received! If anyone has written to me and I never wrote back, most likely I never got the email.

Covered in Grace
I love her blog! She is very sweet and always has such a positive attitude about life. And, she lives in Hawaii!! I'm so jealous! After coming home from our trip there last November, every time I think about being there it honestly makes me want to cry. It is such a beautiful place with the best culture (laid back and relaxing). 

Alright so here are the rules for this little tagging game.

The Rules

1. You must post the rules!
2. Answer the 11 questions the tagger posted for you and then create 11 new questions to ask the people you've tagged.
3. Tag 11 bloggers and link them to your post.
4. Let them know you've tagged them.

1. How did you come up with the title of your blog?
This is actually my second blog name. The first one was "Life: The Pursuit of Something More than Ordinary" which I did like, but it was super long. So one day I just decided that I was going to change it. I asked my husband for ideas and, of course, he was no help. Not sure why I thought he would be, since this is a place for me to be me, not a place for him to be me. I did bounce ideas off of him though, to see if any of them sounded lame or cheesy {which some of them did}. Then I just started thinking about what I wanted this blog to be for me, a place where I can let my hair down and be myself. I don't have to fit into any mold of what people have perceived me to be here, I can just relax. I thought about what kind of environment I could be in that sounded relaxing and inviting, and for me that was reading a book and sipping a glass of wine, curled up on the couch in front of the fire.

2. If there was one blog post that you'd direct your readers to, what would that be?
It would definitely be my About Me page. I am a much different person than some people {who have met me in person} think I am and this post was all about me just trying to let people see my true colors. When I am at home, I am a total spaz! I really am, but if you met me you would never believe that about me. My husband says he is going to video tape me some day and show people how I really am, but he knows that if he tried I would just sit in front of the camera saying, "...umm... what do you want me to say? What do you want me to do? I feel awkward..." I am just not a performer for a crowd (or a video camera). But, that doesn't mean that I'm not a little crazy and out of control sometimes, so I thought I would bring a little bit of my spaziness {is that a real word? my spell checker doesn't like it} to my blog.

3. What is your go-to quick fix meal when you've spent too much time on Pinterest/Your Blog been very, very busy?
Usually it is chicken noodle soup, it is usually the one thing that I always have ingredients for and is super quick to throw together. Also some times I mix it up with some chicken tortilla soup. Ok... maybe it is any kind of soup. Just throw some ingredients in a pot with some broth and it's good to go.

4. What is something you're looking forward to this coming summer?
SUN! Here in the Willamette Valley Oregon, we don't get much sun, I am such a different person when sun is involved! We have lots of trips planned this summer and I'm super excited about that! We are big home bodies, and lately I have been feeling like I need some adventures! AND, we may be going on a CRUISE!!! It won't be until October, but I am super excited!

5. Do you have any goofy talents or specialties?
I am such a good beat boxer..... Ok ok, not really. I so wish though!! One of my friends {little shout out to Katie Sutton} and I used to spend hours watching beat boxing videos on YouTube and we would try to learn how to beat box. It was pretty much amazing. Now my husband just tries to beat box, but he isn't nearly as good as me... {such a lie he is like a million times better, he is a musician so he actually has rhythm}. 

6. If you could be a character from any book through out the entire story, what book-what character?
Brooke! This is such a hard question! Honestly I can't even think of any books other than the book I am reading for school and the Hunger Games. Of course I would love to be Katniss because she is totally BA {Bad A**}, but I'm not sure I would want to go through all the stuff she goes through. So I think I am going to take a different spin on this question, because lately while Alex and I have been watching DWTS {see question 9} every time I see Katherine Jenkins {paired with Mark Ballas} I literally say "I WISH I WAS HER!" All caps because I get pretty hyped up when I watch this show. She is so sweet and very classy {not always the case on that show} and she is just gorgeous. Best of all she is from England {I think?} and has a super cute accent! And she is an amazing dancer and is on DWTS which is one of my not so likely life goals {again, see question 9}.

7. What is the best piece of blogging advice that you've ever received?
The more you write the better you get. So true. It used to take me over a week to write one post. I couldn't just sit down and whip it out, I had to think it over for a long time. Then after lots of thinking I would write what I could get out, then come back to it after a few days and polish it off, then I would have to spend another day editing it. Now I just write a post and post it right away. And the editing usually happens after I post, haha. I am usually too excited to wait to re-read it until after it is posted.

8. What is one thing that you would advise new bloggers to do?
Find your niche and write what you know. Every blogger out there has their "thing", and when you try to copy someone else's "thing" it usually doesn't turn out very well. Just be yourself and don't try too hard to "fit in" we are all different here, and that is something that I love about the blogging community that I have found. That's what keeps all the blogs I read unique and intriguing, we have things in common, but we also have a lot of differences that I enjoy. I'm big on individuality, it's just part of my personality.

9. What is one of your guilty pleasures?
Dancing With The Stars!! I love love love that show, I even have it booked marked on my browser tool bar. My dream would be to be on the show some day, but since I'm not a professional dancer, and I'm not famous I have a feeling that probably won't happen. But going to a live showing would be pretty awesome too! {Alex, next birthday present maybe?? ;) ;) }.

10. What is your favorite Saturday morning like?
Get up at a decent hour {NEVER happens!}, go for a run, shower, sit on the couch in my clean house and just hang out and cuddle with my husband. Read a book, drink some tea. Ahhh... I want that right now!

11. Why do you blog?
I blog because I love to write and share my thoughts, ideas, and life with other people. But the thing that has kept me blogging is the blogging community. So accepting and encouraging. I really love the friendships that have been made and it just keeps me coming back every time.

Alright here are the bloggers I am tagging. I understand that life gets busy and stuff, so if you don't get to write an answer post I will live, but I do want other people to know that your blogs exist! So for others out there, here are some blogs I think you should check out!

Greta @ Modern Garden
Manda @ Eat Cake
Kayla @ Kayla Danelle
Bonnie @Life of Bon
Tatum @ Tatum's Take
Kaleigh @ Kaleigh Hamilton

The Questions:
1. What do you like to do for fun?
2. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you want to live?
3. What made you decide to start a blog?
{I liked this one from Brooke...}
4. If you could give new bloggers advice, what would it be?
5. Who is the most influential person in your life?
6. What is one talent that you have always wanted to learn, but haven't yet?
7. What is the best life lesson you have ever learned?
8. What would your dream life look like after retirement?
9. What message{s} do you hope others "hear" when they read your blog?
10. What are your favorite blog topics to read about? {ex: crafting, style, life, humorous, etc...}
11. What is one thing that you could never live without?

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