Monday, May 28, 2012

Weekend camping trip

This weekend Alex and I went camping with some of our amazing friends Sara and Collin. It was such a fun relaxing weekend.

At least up until 3am Sunday morning when I woke up feeling horrible. During a long walk to the bathroom I threw up in our neighbors yards... not fun! Unfortunately we had to come home a day early. Now, after several hours of not working on homework and hardly being able to keep my eyes open, I finally feel a bit better.

Lots of traffic on the way up. Shocker, huh?

On saturday we spent the afternoon oystering... is that what you call it? Clamming? Well whatever it was, we did it.

And I have to confess to you guys something...
Feel free to call it a phobia. I don't care.
This may seem a little strange, but I think they are the most disgusting thing ever and they literally make me want to vomit. Honestly, just thinking about them makes me sick to my stomach. So I basically had a heart attack when we went to meet our friends for our clamming/oystering adventure and I found my self COMPLETELY surrounded by barnacles.

Maybe why I ended up throwing up later that evening? Probably from my torturous barnacle dreams? Probably.

How could anyone not find these things absolutely repulsive?? 
I will never understand.

Well... now that I have made myself sick by looking at this picture. I've gotta go.

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