Yesterday morning I got home from a run on some what of a high.
You know, the kind where I feel like I could run a million miles...
[Even though I had just struggled to finish the two that I ran.]
I needed that.
Sometimes it is so easy to forget the things that I am capable of.
After a break it is easy to forget how much passion I have for running.
Or, how much confidence it builds to be able to finish strong.
Or finish at all.
Last summer I ran in my first 5k [as mentioned in my "I'm a runner" post].
I trained all summer up until November with every intention of running a half marathon by this summer, at the very latest.
Now that this summer is here... I can't realistically say that is going to happen.
I've started this summer running half the distance that I had been running.
I'm not going to lie, I'm a little disappointed.
It is really hard to have run a decent distance before and to feel like I have to start over from scratch.
It is sad that I can't accomplish a long time goal, because I lost sight of it somewhere back in November.
But, this is where I have to stop myself.
Yeah, it sucks.
Yeah, I used to be able to run twice as far with ease.
Yeah, my runs are straining.
My breathing isn't what it used to be.
My pace isn't what it used to be.
But, that doesn't mean I have to throw in the towel and give up.
I can't allow my discouragement to get the best of me.
I may only be able to run two miles without feeling like I'm going to die.
But at least I can still run two miles!!
At least I don't have to start out at a quarter of a mile.
Or by just walking.
Sometimes we just have to take our goals and reevaluate them.
Without feeling like a giant failure.
Or losing confidence in ourselves.
With that said, I'm setting some new goals.
And this time I need to take it step by step.
I need to be realistic.
And I still need to push myself.
So... here are my goals.
[If anyone would like to join in, I would love that! Even if we don't live near each other, it would be great to have someone to help keep each other on track.
Goal #1, Run a 5k by mid July.
Sign up- I want to start out with something achievable, which I definitely think a 5k is. I'm just waiting for payday to accomplish this one.
Train- I'm going to be making a detailed schedule of when I will be running. This is something I will be sharing, more as an accountability to myself. I am not super strick on my schedules, they have set days to do what, but I usually try to be flexible with myself.
I think a 5k will be easy to get to, at least easier than it was last time. I just want to do this first to ease my way into training. It also will help keep me motivated for my longer term goals.
Goal #2- Run a 10k by late August to early September.
Sign up- In a month from now I will be reevaluating how my running is doing to see when a realistic timeframe will be. Then I will sign up from there.
Train- Again, I will be making a detailed schedule and sharing.
Goal #3- Run a Half-Marathon, possibly sometime in November. [I don't want to go too far into winter months because I know how big of a baby I am about being cold.]
After my 10k I will come back to this one and set specific timeframes and goals.
I don't want to get ahead of myself.
I'm just going to add a little rant in here.
I was looking all over Pinterest for pictures.
Every. Single. Picture.
I clicked on was not linked properly back to the original.
I know that this is a known issue, especially among bloggers.
I just beg everyone to please please link back to the orignal post of whoever posted the pictures you are pinning.
Nothing irritates me more [on Pinterest] than to find something like a recipe or something that I want to see, and then find that it is not linked back to the actual recipe, but to a google image.
Also, if you are going to include images in your posts, it is only right that the person who actually created the image get credit for it.
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