Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Dinning room table #2

As promised, I am actually posting pictures of the table we made for one of my best friends. She moved into her first place this summer and I wanted to do something nice as a little house warming gift, so I told her I would build her a coffee table. Which then turned into a dinning room table as well when she told me her budget for a table was 200 bucks! Probably reasonable, but I just couldn't sit and watch her spend that much when I could make her a table for less than half the price. So we made a deal and she paid for supplies and we built the table. Had I know that it was going to take us 6 months to finish (due entirely to laziness and busy weekends) I probably would have kept my mouth shut, because she would have had a table a long time ago. It also turn out a little smaller than we had planned because we changed the style of the legs and forgot to make new measurements. Eeek, we just keep learning with each project. Eventually we will have a successful building story... at least I really hope so.

It looks so much better than the table we built for ourselves, it was really hard to give it up. We are now planning on stripping the stain off of our own table and trying to do this grayish stain that I am falling in love with.

I am kicking myself right now because I forgot to take a picture of her coffee table after it was finished, but this is what it looked like pre sanding and staining.

And after all this building, I think we decided our next car needs to be a truck or SUV because this...

... is getting a little old.

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