Friday, December 20, 2013
This has nothing to do with Christmas
This post has been sitting in draft mode for awhile and I figured it was time to share.
Over the last several months I've been struggling to balance all the areas of my life. You know the cliché saying about wearing too many hats? And spreading yourself too thin? I might be guilty of that.
As you know I started my business this summer. I loved it, I wanted to run full force with it. Orders started to really pile up, and as much as I was excited about that, I was also incredibly overwhelmed. At the time I thought that, even though it was a lot of work, it was what I wanted. I was looking for a way to use my gifts to make money. After attending the Influence Conference I was further encouraged to run with that passion and do what I could with it.
And then I came home, reality sunk in, and I hit that all too familiar wall of paralysis that comes when you put too much on your plate.
See, not only was I trying to run a business, but I'm also a full time college student. Some of you might be thinking, "well, if you don't have a job that doesn't seem like such a big deal." And others may be thinking, "that was kind of stupid to start a business while you are in school."
There is truth in both of those statements. I could probably do it. I could probably work really hard and have a decently successful business and attend school, and maintain a decent GPA. But that is all I would have. A potentially thriving business and a decent GPA. All the while forgetting what matters most to me.
I've done a lot of praying lately. About the path I am taking in school, about my business, about if I'm seeking God in everything or if I am just trying to control things myself. I've discovered that I need to scale back in areas that don't align with my God given desires and that inhibit me from reaching my true potential.
One of the biggest changes (well at least for you guys) will be the closing of my business. Not permanently! Just seasonally. Obviously planners are pretty much a seasonal product anyways so this just kind of seemed like a no brainer. I'll be relaunching next spring/summer with new designs and a more organized business plan.
In the mean time, I've been trying to help support a family who is adopting two boys from Africa with the sales from my business. Since I still have lots of this seasons stock left I figured it was a good time to clear everything out and do a flash sale! If you follow me on instagram you probably saw some information about this. Right now I've got an instagram giveaway going on with a friend of mine from Topknots and Pearls Crafts.
Check out the giveaway, share the giveaway. I'm just doing it to try to help raise some funds for this family. I'll be back next week sharing a little bit more on my heart behind this and some details about the sale and other ways you may be able to help.
Monday, October 7, 2013
Recently | An engagement session
I have a million things that I would love to tell you guys about right now. I also have a few posts that I've been working on since being home from the Influence conference that are currently in draft. As much as I would love to pour my heart out to you guys and tell you all about my trip, I'm still majorly processing. I've written stuff down, but honestly when it comes to posting it, I don't even know where to begin! I'll just say that there are some posts coming! I'm not sure when, but they are coming. They wont necessarily be all about my trip or even what was taught, but a lot of what I took away from it and the ways that it has changed my heart and my life.
For now I'll leave you with this sneak peek from an engagement session I just did with my niece and her fiancé! I did pictures for them right after they got engaged last September (you can see those here) and we got together for another session this last weekend. I'm not a professional, but it is really fun working on my skills with these willing subjects!
Enjoy the rest of your week! I'll be back soon :)
Monday, September 23, 2013
Finding Motivation
It's funny how much I feel like my dog picks up on my emotions. It's raining and cold and there are probably dozens of things I should be doing right now. Yet I feel a complete and utter lack of motivation. I haven't worked out regularly, slept well, or eaten healthy. Mostly because I lost that drive to keep my body healthy. And I'm not liking the results these actions are yielding. I've just felt there has been something missing. A sense of purpose maybe? I don't know. I could sit here and dwell on this all day, but it wouldn't accomplish anything.
I'm looking for a change. In all areas. How I eat, drink, breath, walk, work, cook, clean. I want to be healthy, happy, and thankful. Sometimes I just think that is what life is. A constant battle to better ourselves, to discover and live out our purpose, and to be happy while we do it.
Alex and I are working on a plan of attack for the both of us. We are starting with the way we spend money, which leads to the way we eat. Once we actually have a plan I'll share. Even though I know the motivation must come from us, sharing is a great way to feel accountable. If all I do is say "hey, we are going to try this out," and then we fail, I'll still feel like we have accomplished something. If we never try to change... we will never change. Kind of obvious, huh?
On a vaguely related topic, I'm afraid of what this blog will look like in a months time. I know I have never been good at keeping up with this and going to school at the same time. I'm making an effort this year to try not to be bulldozed by my classes and workload. I'm learning (ever so slowly) that it really just boils down to making the right choices, even when its not the most appealing choice.
That is how we are going to approach our change. Sometimes cleaning my house or cooking dinner may not be the most appealing option, but tomorrow I'll be thankful I did.
How do you deal with a lack of motivation?
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
You guys know I'm heading off to the Influence Conference (next thursday!!) right? If you can't tell, I am extremely a little excited.
Like I said a few months ago, I am paying for this trip with proceeds from my shop. As successful as my shop has been, I still haven't paid off my trip yet due to a lot of unforeseen business costs (bt dubs, owning a business is expensive). So in a last ditch effort I'm having a one day only sale! This Wednesday my etsy shop will officially be in vacation mode and I will finish up all orders before I leave for the conference. If you have been putting off ordering, now is your chance!
If you are going to be at the conference and were wanting to order a planner, email me ( for a free shipping discount code and I'll bring your planner with me to the conference!
Thank you so much to those that have supported me along way! Maybe you just wanted a planner, but what you didn't know is that this trip wouldn't have been possible without you! Thank you!!
Friday, September 13, 2013
Getting organized
This week I finally got caught up enough with orders to make my own planner. Just in time for classes that start at the end of the month. I've been putting it off because I wanted to find the perfect cover for myself. It might be completely selfish, but since dozens of other people will have my planner and I wanted something unique. Trip after trip to the craft store I would find stuff that I liked but nothing I could settle on. Until I found this striped glitter paper. It's delicate and beautiful, and definitely different from all my other covers. I'm not going to be selling this particular cover, but I might do some of the other glitter covers. I'll let you know if that happens.
And for anyone who as emailed me, I'm so sorry if I haven't gotten back to you yet! I'm hoping to clear out my inbox by the end of the weekend.
Enjoy your weekend!
Thursday, September 12, 2013
I love love
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Sweater & Jewelry: F21 // Skinnies: H&M // Wedges: Target // Glasses: My eye doctor (because I really do wear prescription lenses unlike all the other posers.) |
Anyways, I'm not sure how this post ended up being about the weather. Let's talk about jeans shall we? Does anyone else have a nearly impossible time finding good skinny jeans? They are either too stretchy,
Now if only fall would come...
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
So I briefly mentioned awhile ago that I was going to the influence conference at the end of September. Well, here I am only 2 weeks away! Can you believe summer is almost over? For those going to the conference, can you believe it is almost here?!?
I think this is one of those "pinch me" moments. Am I really going to a blogging conference? I can't wait to be around hundreds of women who will completely understand why I would want to go to a blogging conference. People in my personal life are like, "What? A conference for blogging? They have those?"
Well I'm a day late for this influence conference meet and greet linkup, but that's just my style. Fashionably late.
{one} my phone. How else would I blow up instagram with all of my #influenceconf pictures?
{two} my laptop. enough said, right?
{three} My starbucks card. Because who wouldn't buy a ton of coffee that doubles as a tax write off?
{four} My camera. aka: my fourth baby. 2 cats, a dog, and my nikon.
And two things I'm looking forward to:
{one} this has nothing to do with the conference, but I can't wait to meet my long time blog friend Greta from Modern Garden!! She isn't actually going to the conference but lives somewhat close by and is going to drive up so we can meet! You know those people you just instantly connect with? That is Greta. We have only communicated through email/blog comments but I feel like I could talk with this girl for hours. (Don't worry mom, she is a real person!)
{two} I'm just excited to be out of my element. I am a very introverted person and being in a large crowd of people is going to be pretty intimidating, especially since I haven't actually met any of these people. I like pushing myself and I know that God has me there for a reason.
I can't wait to meet all of you beautiful ladies! Be sure to let me know if you will be there!
Monday, September 9, 2013
Put a bird on it
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Top: Target // Maxi: H&M // Shoes (most amazingly comfortable flats ever): Urban Outfitters // Jewelry: F21 |
Recently I went through the registration process on Stitch Fix and one of the questions (and by one I really mean like 20) was about what styles I like. (This outfit, by the way, has nothing to do with stitch fix.) I went back and forth several times before I could settle on an actual style(s) and which ones I tend to wear the most. I don't really feel like I have one particular style, I pretty much like all of them. As long as it doesn't involve 5 inch heels, I'm game. I'll follow trends. I like simple and classic. Some days I like to look rocker/punk-ish (big ish there). Other days I like to look sophisticated and polished. And according to this bandana, I also like to try to be gangsta/ housemaid/ Rosie The Riveter.
My husband says I'm eclectic. I like to mix and match, and by match I of course mean making sure things don't.
Eclectic... Sure, I'll accept that.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
The Question
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outfit details |
There is a question that as a married woman I get asked all the time. Nearly once a week.
"When are you having kids?"
I totally understand the question. It is only the natural next step, especially after being married for (almost) four years.
Lots of my friends have kids, or are trying for kids, or want kids but are waiting for the "right time". I think being a mom is a wonderful gift. It seems to make life deeper and more meaningful. You get to share a love for someone that you never knew you could have. At least this is what I have gathered from those that have children.
But I feel like there is something that I have to get off my chest about all this.
I don't want kids.
There I said it. I may be completely kicked out of any blogging friend circle I ever thought I would be a part of. When I tell people this they usually just stare at me for a little while, ask me why, and then tell me that I will be a great mom and I'll change my mind some day. Or they ask,"Well who is going to take care of you when you get older?" Or tell me I am going to be really lonely. There is a whole list of responses I get with the underlying theme that I am a selfish person and will grow up to be old and bitter. The only thing I have to say to all that is that I know a lot of amazing, loving, selfless people who chose not to have children. I know you think it is impossible, but it happens.
If you are just sitting and waiting for me to tell you my reasons, you are probably going to keep waiting because I don't really have any. Many women tell me that being a mother was their calling. They knew from a very young age that they were going to be a mother.
I didn't.
My mother can tell you that from a very young age I have said that I wasn't going to have children. At best I said I would have World Vision children.
There have definitely been times in my life that I thought I would grow out of this. There is still the chance that I will change my mind. Of course there is always the chance that I will get pregnant regardless of my desires or efforts not to. I'm ok with that. If God wants me to have children I'm sure I will, and I will love them with all my heart and be eternally thankful for them. I'll tell them that it was never my plan to have children, but that I am so happy I did because they make my life richer every day.
I don't think less of women who choose to be mothers. I have the utmost respect for mothers. I still like to hang out with them. I don't feel like they are less of a person or that I could never possibly have anything in common with them. I don't resent them for bringing their kids along for lunch dates or shopping trips. Or when they have to ignore our conversation to pay attention to their child. I totally get it. I know that having lunch with me will take the backseat to making sure their child is feed and had their afternoon nap, or just having a good day in general.
I have been surrounded by children my entire life. I have over a dozen nieces and nephews, the first which was born when I was five and some which lived with my family at different times. I may not entirely know what being a mother is like, but I know what it is like to hang out with one and I enjoy it all the same.
We don't all have the same calling. Yours may be to be a mother. Maybe mine isn't?
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
A crime against dressers
Ever since things took off in my shop I've been in dire need of an office makeover/ finish unpacking/ organization. So this past weekend Alex and I did as much work as we could on that front. Starting with adding some sort of storage for all my stuff.
About two years ago we picked up this beautiful *sarcasm* dresser at a garage sale. I'm pretty sure these people thought they were never ever going to sell this thing, but alas Alex and I came to their rescue. They practically paid us to take it it was so cheap.
Who ever stained this thing yellow and blueish-green should have their decorating privileges revoked. This is just a home decor sin. Anyways, underneath all that ugliness I knew I saw a true beauty (as well as a sturdy good quality dresser).
Can we just talk for a second about how hard it is to find a quality dresser these days? Even if you find a really good looking new dresser it often isn't made out of real wood and even more often it has those horrible cardboard/paper bottoms that fall out the second you put anything in them. This dresser didn't have that. It had real wood drawer bottoms that are reinforced underneath. I knew I couldn't get a dresser of this quality for the price anywhere.
Anyways, lets get on to my favorite part, which is the after pictures.
About two years ago we picked up this beautiful *sarcasm* dresser at a garage sale. I'm pretty sure these people thought they were never ever going to sell this thing, but alas Alex and I came to their rescue. They practically paid us to take it it was so cheap.
Who ever stained this thing yellow and blueish-green should have their decorating privileges revoked. This is just a home decor sin. Anyways, underneath all that ugliness I knew I saw a true beauty (as well as a sturdy good quality dresser).
Can we just talk for a second about how hard it is to find a quality dresser these days? Even if you find a really good looking new dresser it often isn't made out of real wood and even more often it has those horrible cardboard/paper bottoms that fall out the second you put anything in them. This dresser didn't have that. It had real wood drawer bottoms that are reinforced underneath. I knew I couldn't get a dresser of this quality for the price anywhere.
Anyways, lets get on to my favorite part, which is the after pictures.
I love the stripes. I love that they are soft and subtle, but definitely still there. I'm still working on organizing the other half of my office, but I can't wait to show you guys how much better it looks. I actually feel like I can get some work done now. Which is actually what I need to head off and do.
Thanks for reading!
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
New stuff!
Hey guys! I've got a special giveaway going on over at Aunie Sauce today! Head on over there to enter! If you haven't visited her blog before you are missing out because she is probably one of the sweetest girls I have ever met (or read about I suppose?)
In other news I have also listed a bunch of new cover designs so you should check them out and see if there is anything you just can't live without! There is lots of new stuff to come so keep your eye out for more stuff :)
PS. Thanks for the beautiful collage Aunie!!
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Coping with stress
Sometimes I allow stress to get the better of me. Which is just silly and a big waste of time. When I am stressed I don't get anything accomplished, I just focus on how daunting everything is. It feels like I'm running in a marathon, but instead of moving forward I'm just running in place. Or worse, sometimes it feels like I'm running backwards.
Today I've been focusing on using my time wisely and getting organized. Everything feels less stressful when I am organized. All my important deadlines need to be written down, things need to be in their rightful homes, clutter needs to vanish. Something about writing things down and putting things away brings such a huge release of tension for me.
I still feel stressed, but I feel the intensity of it ebbing away little by little.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Working from home
Gosh guys, I am so incredibly blessed by my customers and followers! Seriously you are all great! Also my family and friends! I have never felt so encouraged and able do anything I set my mind to. This summer has been a huge success. I finally started a shop selling my own products, I've taken care of an incredibly active puppy all summer (anyone a GSD owner??), and I've worked hard at keeping my house clean (I type as I'm sitting in my disaster of an office).
Before starting my own business I was one of those people that idolized those that could work from home. It sounds so relaxing doesn't it? Crawling out of bed in the morning, coffee cup in hand, sending some business emails, spending a few hours focused in your work, all while hanging out in your cozy home and pjs. Meanwhile, in the real world, working from home means being incredibly disciplined when it comes to waking up in the morning, always bringing your work home (aka: thinking about it during "non-working hours"), having to take care of household chores and office chores. I could go on, but I wont.
With all that said, I can't believe it is real. I can't believe I "work from home" and am actually making money from it. Here is my advice to anyone: If I can do it, YOU can do it! Put your stuff out there! You never know what is going to happen, just make sure it is developed first, but once you've got that down, you're golden.
I'd love to be a super diligent blogger, but honestly right now I think my focus is on my shop. As much as I love blogging, I actually love designing planners and selling them even more. I'm still confused about what I want this blog to be and what my purpose for it is, but I'm at peace with that for now. I know God brought this platform into my life for a reason, if only he would give me a clearer picture of what that was...
Also looks like I will be at the influence conference!! Who else is going??
Monday, July 29, 2013
Healthy Monday | From Heather
Happy healthy month level and lace readers!
It is Heather from Honee Bee with Healthy Monday!
Today I am going to be talking about walking and how to incorporate it into your lifestyle. Though I am really enjoying working out, and do it fairly frequently ,the more I read about health and the lifestyle of other countries, the more I realize that I (and the majority of Americans) do not move half as much as the rest of the world. We get into our cars, drive to work, park in ramps that are steps away, and sit at a desk all day. (and then we wonder why our country struggles with obesity). Then we go to the gym, slave away for an hour, and then go home and sit on the couch. Our mobility is so low that though we have worked out, we still aren't moving as much as we were designed to do. hence, weight gain.
However- this could all be solved by simply increasing how much we walk. Just walking!
The average american walks 2,000 steps a day, while researchers show that europeans walk 10,000 steps a day. That is five times more then us americans, and they their obesity rate is SIGNIFICANTLY lower then ours. and they don't even go to the gym! Amazing I tell ya.
So with that. I have decided to do a walking challenge. I have found a few fun pedometer apps (the one I use is called "moves"- warning it totally sucks your battery life!) on my phone so I can keep track of how much I am going to be moving and am going to be trying to reach the 10,000 step mark every day. I started this a few weeks ago and have been playing with the apps and found that they don't always record very accurately/turn off sometimes. But it is still the right intention and is one way I remind myself to get out and walk some more! Everyday I make my husband go on a short walk after dinner. He works at an office all day and I know that by doing this I am forcing both of us to pursue a healthier lifestyle.
The last few weeks I have been doing trial runs seeing how many steps I am taking on a daily basis and I have found that I average 4,000-5,000. so I am only halfway to the what health professionals recommend. Yikes! With this... come the 10,000/day challenge! Because I am BIG into setting reasonable goals I am going to try walk 10,000 steps a day at least three times a week. By forcing myself to move more, I reap the benefits and really do not have to "work" that much more to achieve a healthier lifestyle! So who is with me? Let's all walk it out!
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Baby times 2

I have about 6 billion picture from the baby shower on Sunday. Ok, maybe just 900. These are just a few of the ones I liked the best. Taking pictures at parties is definitely a learning curve for me. So many of them came out just a tiny bit blurry. Eek. Practice makes perfect I suppose.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Babies in bow ties
On Sunday I went to a baby shower for two of Alex's cousins. They are sisters and one is having a boy and the other a girl. How adorable, right?
If you know me at all you know that I love making handmade gifts. If it isn't hand made I just don't feel like I've actually given anything at all. I'm a gift giver. It's my love language. So when it came to making something for the little babes I had the perfect idea.
The first set of clothes I've ever made go to baby Scarlett and baby Judah. (How cute are those names??) Hopefully they can't tell that I am an amateur sewer.
They also asked me to take some pictures at the shower so I'll be back tomorrow to share those!
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